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(→‎Set: Removed 'MLOCK', 'XOP', and 'TOPICLOCK', as these functions have been moved elsewhere within ChanServ)
(→‎SOP/AOP/HOP/VOP commands: Modified wording, removed warning about xOP system as it no longer applies in Anope 2.0 - it can be used alongside the ACCESS command.)
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=== SOP/AOP/HOP/VOP commands ===
=== SOP/AOP/HOP/VOP commands ===
The various xOP commands manage user access levels. These commands are ONLY available if the XOP option is set ON, as detailed above. We HIGHLY recommend you not use these commands and stick with the access list system. As such, detailed help will not be provided on this page.
The various xOP commands manage user access levels. These commands can either be used as an alternative to (or as a complement to) the ACCESS command. More information about these commands can be found on the [[Channel Management]] page.
For detailed help on the various xOP commands, use these commands:
* <code>/msg ChanServ help VOP</code>
* <code>/msg ChanServ help HOP</code>
* <code>/msg ChanServ help AOP</code>
* <code>/msg ChanServ help SOP</code>
=== Access ===
=== Access ===

Revision as of 07:26, 18 June 2015

ChanServ allows you to register and control various aspects of channels. ChanServ can often prevent malicious users from "taking over" channels by limiting who is allowed channel operator privileges. Available commands are listed below.

For more information on a specific command, type /msg ChanServ HELP command


The REGISTER command registers a channel in the database. Registering a channel protects the channel's name and allows the owner to use a variety of Services functions to manage it.

  • Syntax: /msg ChanServ REGISTER #channel description
    • #channel - the name of the channel you want to register. Be sure you take a look at Channel Registration before using this command to make sure you can actually register one to begin with!
    • description - a short description of the channel's purpose.


The SET command allows you to change various ChanServ settings for the channel. By default, this command is always restricted to the channel founder.

  • Syntax: /msg ChanServ SET option #channel parameter(s)
    • option parameter(s) - the specific setting you want to change along with its parameters.
    • #channel - the name of the channel you wish to change options for.

The available settings for option are as follows:

      • FOUNDER - change the channel's official founder. Give the new founder as the parameter to this option. This command is available to the current channel founder, unless SECUREFOUNDER is set to OFF.
      • SUCCESSOR - change the channel's successor. Give the new successor as the parameter to this option. This nickname will become the channel's new founder automatically, if the founder's nickname is dropped or it expires while the channel is still registered. The successor nickname must be registered already.
        • NOTE: If the person you set as a channel's successor already has too many channels registered, and the founder nick is dropped or otherwise expires, then the channel will also be dropped, instead of transferred to the successor.
      • AUTOOP - controls whether or not ChanServ will give users on the channel's access list the appropriate channel status modes (+v, +h, +o, etc). When set OFF, these modes will not be automatically set when the user joins.
      • CHANSTATS - toggles whether or not channel statistics for your channel will be kept. This is an ON/OFF toggle.
      • DESC - change the channel's description. Pass the new description in its entirety as the parameter for this option.
      • URL - associate a URL with the channel, which can be viewed with ChanServ's INFO command. Give the URL as the parameter for this option.
      • EMAIL - set an email address for the channel. Give the email address as the parameter with this option.
      • ENTRYMSG - defines an entry message shown to users who join the channel. This can be something like a notice to read the rules, a list of triggers for a channel with XDCC bots, or other things. The message you want to set is passed as the parameter with this option.
      • BANTYPE - change the user@host format that ChanServ uses to set bans on in a channel. This option takes a number between 0 and 3 as the parameter. See /msg ChanServ help set bantype to see the ban types you can set.
      • KEEPTOPIC - toggle whether or not ChanServ will maintain the channel's topic if the channel becomes empty. Use either ON or OFF as the parameter - when ON, ChanServ will maintain the channel's last known topic when the channel becomes empty.
      • KEEPMODES - toggle whether or not ChanServ will maintain the channel's channel modes if the channel becomes empty. Use either ON or OFF as the parameter - when ON, ChanServ will maintain the channel's currently set modes when the channel becomes empty.
      • PEACE - toggles the 'peace' mode of a channel. When 'peace' is set ON, a user cannot kick, ban, or remove the channel status of another user who has a level superior or equal to them via ChanServ commands. This is an ON/OFF toggle.
      • PRIVATE - toggles whether or not the channel will show up in ChanServ's LIST command. This is an ON/OFF toggle.
      • RESTRICTED - Toggles 'restricted' mode. When the RESTRICTED option is set ON, any user who is not on the channel's access list will be automatically kicked and banned. This is an ON/OFF toggle.
      • SECURE - Enables or disables ChanServ's security features for a channel. With this option set ON, access to the channel (including applicable ChanServ commands) will only be granted to registered users who have identified to NickServ and are on the channel's access list. This is an ON/OFF toggle.
      • SECUREOPS - Change whether users not on the channel's access list can be given ops (+o) or not. If set to ON, then ChanServ will not allow any user to be set +o unless they are on the access list with the proper access level.
      • SECUREFOUNDER - Change whether users who have owner level access to the channel can drop it, or change its founder and/or successor. If set to ON, then these functions will only be available to the channel's real founder and not those who are co-founder access (level 9999) on the channel
      • SIGNKICK - Change whether or not kicks done with ChanServ's KICK command are signed with the nickname of the user who issued the command. If set to ON, all kicks done with ChanServ's KICK command will have the issuing user's nickname in the kick reason. If set to LEVEL, then users who have an access level superior or equal to the channel's current SIGNKICK level will not have their kicks signed.

SOP/AOP/HOP/VOP commands

The various xOP commands manage user access levels. These commands can either be used as an alternative to (or as a complement to) the ACCESS command. More information about these commands can be found on the Channel Management page.


The ACCESS command provides the means to grant/remove channel access for users.


The ACCESS ADD command adds someone to the channel's access list with a specific level.

  • Syntax: /msg ChanServ ACCESS #channel ADD nickname level
    • #channel - the channel whose access list you want to modify.
    • nickname - the nickname of the user who you want to add. The nickname must already be registered.
    • level - the desired access level for the user. By default, level 3 is voice (+v), level 4 is halfop (+h), level 5 is chanop (+o), level 10 is channel admin (+a), and level 9999 grants channel owner (+q). These pre-defined levels may be different for various channels.
      • NOTE 1: level must be LESS than your own current access level.
      • NOTE 2: If the given nickname is already on the access list, this command will change it to the level specified with the command, ONLY if the given nickname's current level is LESS than your own.


The ACCESS DEL command removes a user from the channel's access list entirely.

  • Syntax: /msg ChanServ ACCESS #channel DEL (nickname | entry-number | list)
    • #channel - the channel whose access list you want to modify.
    • nickname | entry-number | list - the nickname of the user who you want to remove from the access list, the corresponding entry number for the user, or a list of access entries to remove by number.
      • NOTE: Again, you cannot alter another user's access level if yours is less than or equal to theirs.


The ACCESS LIST command displays a list of users on the channel's access list with their level.

  • Syntax: /msg ChanServ ACCESS #channel LIST [mask | list]
    • #channel - the channel whose access list you want to view.
    • [mask | list] - OPTIONAL: A wildcard mask to specify which entries to view, or a list of entry numbers to show. If none given, all entries will be shown.
      • NOTE: By default, you must be on the channel's access list to be able to use the ACCESS LIST command.


The LEVELS command allows channel founders to fine-tune the meanings of various access levels on the channel.

Full help on this command can be found by going to Levels.


The AKICK command manages the channel's autokick list; that is, the list of user@host masks to automatically kick and ban from the channel on sight.

Full help on this command can be found by going to Autokick.


The DROP command cancels the registration of a channel, deleting all settings related to it and removing it from the database.

  • Syntax: /msg ChanServ DROP #channel #channel
    • #channel - the name of the channel to drop.
      • NOTE: If the channel has SECUREFOUNDER set, then you must be the REAL channel founder to be able to use this command.


The BAN command bans a user from a channel. By default, this command is restricted to users with at least level 4 access on the channel.

  • Syntax: /msg ChanServ BAN [#channel] [nickname] [reason]
    • [#channel] - OPTIONAL: The channel to ban the user from. If neither this nor nickname is given, this command will ban you from all channels you have access to use BAN on.
    • [nickname] - OPTIONAL: The nickname of the user to ban. If not given, you will be banned.
    • [reason] - OPTIONAL: The reason for the ban.


The UNBAN command removes any bans matching a user from the channel.

  • Syntax: /msg ChanServ UNBAN #channel <em[nickname]
    • #channel - the channel to remove the ban from.
    • [nickname] - the nickname to remove a ban or bans for. If not given, you will be unbanned.


The CLEAR command tells ChanServ to clear certain settings (or other things) on a channel.

  • Syntax: /msg ChanServ CLEAR #channel thing
    • #channel - the channel which you want to apply the command to.
    • thing - the specific setting or thing you want to clear from the channel. Valid values are as follows:
      • MODES - Resets all non-status modes on the channel (such as +i/+k/+l/+m/+n/+p/+s/+t)
      • BANS - Removes all bans from the channel.
      • EXCEPTS - Removes all exceptions (+e) from the channel.
      • INVITES - Removes all invite-exceptions (+I) from the channel.
      • OPS - Removes +o (and +a and/or +q, if enabled) from all users.
      • HOPS - Removes +h (halfop) from all users.
      • VOICES - Removes +v (voice) from all users.
      • STATUS - Removes all +o, +h, +v, +a, and +q modes from all users.
      • USERS - Kicks all users out of the channel.
        • NOTE: By default, this command is limited to the channel founder.


The OWNER command sets channel mode +q on yourself.

  • Syntax: /msg ChanServ OWNER [#channel]
    • [#channel] - OPTIONAL: The channel you wish to give yourself +q on. If not given, this command will give you channel mode +q on all channels you have sufficient access on.
      • NOTE: By default, this command is limited to those with founder access on a channel.


The DEOWNER command removes channel mode +q from yourself.

  • Syntax: /msg ChanServ DEOWNER [#channel]
    • [#channel] - OPTIONAL: The channel you wish to remove +q from yourself on. If not specified, removes +q from all channels you have sufficient access on.
      • NOTE: By default, this command is limited to those with founder access on a channel.


The PROTECT command sets channel mode +a on a user, or yourself.

  • Syntax: /msg ChanServ PROTECT [#channel [nickname]]
    • [#channel] - OPTIONAL: The channel you want to set +a on a user in. This is REQUIRED if you wish to specify a specific user. Otherwise, if not specified, it will set +a on you in all channels you have sufficient access in.
    • [nickname] - OPTIONAL: The nickname you want to set +a on in the given channel. If nickname is not given, it will set +a on you in the given channel instead, provided you have sufficient access.
      • NOTE: By default, you must be a channel founder to use this command on another user. Otherwise, you must have at least SOP or level 10 access and above to use this command on yourself.


The DEPROTECT command removes channel mode +a from a user, or yourself.

  • Syntax: /msg ChanServ DEPROTECT [#channel [nickname]]
    • [#channel] - OPTIONAL: The channel you want to remove +a from a user in. This is REQUIRED if you wish to specify a specific user. Otherwise, if not specified, it will remove +a from you in all channels you have sufficient access in.
    • [nickname] - OPTIONAL: The nickname you want to remove +a from in the given channel. If nickname is not given, it will remove +a from you in the given channel instead, provided you have sufficient access.
      • NOTE: By default, you must be a channel founder to use this command on another user. Otherwise, you must have at least SOP or level 10 access and above to use this command on yourself.


The OP command gives a user (or you) channel op (+o) on a channel.

  • Syntax: /msg ChanServ OP [#channel [nickname]]
    • [#channel] - OPTIONAL: The channel you want to op (+o) a user in. This is REQUIRED if you wish to specify a specific user. Otherwise, if not specified, it will op you in all channels you have sufficient access in.
    • [nickname] - OPTIONAL: The nickname you want to give ops to in the given channel. If nickname is not given, it will op you in the given channel instead, provided you have sufficient access.
      • NOTE: By default, you must have at least AOP or level 5 access and above to use this command.


The DEOP command removes channel op (+o) from a user (or you) on a channel.

  • Syntax: /msg ChanServ DEOP [#channel [nickname]]
    • [#channel] - OPTIONAL: The channel you want to remove ops from a user in. This is REQUIRED if you wish to specify a specific user. Otherwise, if not specified, it will remove ops from you in all channels you have sufficient access in.
    • [nickname] - OPTIONAL: The nickname you want to remove ops from in the given channel. If nickname is not given, it will remove ops from you in the given channel instead, provided you have sufficient access.
      • NOTE: By default, you must have at least AOP or level 5 access and above to use this command.


The HALFOP command gives a user (or you) channel halfop (+h) on a channel.

  • Syntax: /msg ChanServ HALFOP [#channel [nickname]]
    • [#channel] - OPTIONAL: The channel you want to halfop (+h) a user in. This is REQUIRED if you wish to specify a specific user. Otherwise, if not specified, it will halfop you in all channels you have sufficient access in.
    • [nickname] - OPTIONAL: The nickname you want to give halfop to in the given channel. If nickname is not given, it will halfop you in the given channel instead, provided you have sufficient access.
      • NOTE: By default, you must have at least AOP or level 5 access and above to use this command on other users. Otherwise, you must have at least HOP or level 4 access and above to use this command on yourself.


The DEHALFOP command removes channel halfop (+h) from a user (or you) on a channel.

  • Syntax: /msg ChanServ DEHALFOP [#channel [nickname]]
    • [#channel] - OPTIONAL: The channel you want to remove halfop (+h) from a user in. This is REQUIRED if you wish to specify a specific user. Otherwise, if not specified, it will remove halfop from you in all channels you have sufficient access in.
    • [nickname] - OPTIONAL: The nickname you want to remove halfop from in the given channel. If nickname is not given, it will remove halfop from you in the given channel instead, provided you have sufficient access.
      • NOTE: By default, you must have at least AOP or level 5 access and above to use this command on other users. Otherwise, you must have at least HOP or level 4 access and above to use this command on yourself.


The VOICE command gives a user (or you) channel voice (+v) on a channel.

  • Syntax: /msg ChanServ VOICE [#channel [nickname]]
    • [#channel] - OPTIONAL: The channel you want to voice (+v) a user in. This is REQUIRED if you wish to specify a specific user. Otherwise, if not specified, it will voice you in all channels you have sufficient access in.
    • [nickname] - OPTIONAL: The nickname you want to give voice to in the given channel. If nickname is not given, it will voice you in the given channel instead, provided you have sufficient access.
      • NOTE: By default, you must have at least AOP or level 5 and above to use this command on other users. Otherwise, you must have at least VOP or level 3 access and above to use this command on yourself.


The DEVOICE command removes channel voice (+v) from a user (or you) on a channel.

  • Syntax: /msg ChanServ DEVOICE [#channel [nickname]]
    • [#channel] - OPTIONAL: The channel you want to remove voice (+v) from a user in. This is REQUIRED if you wish to specify a specific user. Otherwise, if not specified, it will remove voice from you in all channels you have sufficient access in.
    • [nickname] - OPTIONAL: The nickname you want to remove voice from in the given channel. If nickname is not given, it will remove voice from you in the given channel instead, provided you have sufficient access.
      • NOTE: By default, you must have at least AOP or level 5 access and above to use this command on other users. Otherwise, you must have at least VOP or level 3 access and above to use this command on yourself.


The GETKEY command shows the current key (password) for a channel, if one is set.

  • Syntax: /msg ChanServ GETKEY #channel
    • #channel - the channel whose key you wish to get.
      • NOTE 1: By default, this command is limited to those with HOP or level 4 access and above on the given channel.
      • NOTE 2: If the channel does not have a key set, this command will return "NO KEY".


The INVITE command tells ChanServ to invite you to the given channel.

  • Syntax: /msg ChanServ INVITE #channel
    • #channel - the channel you want to be invited to.
      • NOTE: By default this command is limited to those with HOP or level 4 access and above on the given channel.


The KICK command kicks a user (or you) out of a given channel.

  • Syntax: /msg ChanServ KICK [#channel [nickname [reason]]]
    • [#channel] - OPTIONAL: The channel to kick from. If not given, you will be kicked from all channels you have the appropriate access on.
    • [nickname] - OPTIONAL: The nickname you want to kick from the specified channel. If not given, you will be kicked from the given channel instead, provided you have sufficient access.
    • [reason] - OPTIONAL: The reason to give for the kick. If not given, a default reason is used.
      • NOTE: By default this command is limited to those with HOP or level 4 access and above on the given channel.


The TOPIC command changes the topic of a given channel.

  • Syntax: /msg ChanServ TOPIC #channel [topic]
    • #channel - the channel to change the topic on.
    • [topic] - OPTIONAL: The new topic to set. If not given, an empty topic is set.
      • NOTE: By default this command is limited to those with HOP or level 4 access and above on the given channel.


The INFO command displays various pieces of information about a given channel.

  • Syntax: /msg ChanServ INFO #channel [ALL]
    • #channel - the channel whose info you want to view.
      • NOTE: By default, you must have at least AOP or level 5 access and above to use the ALL keyword for a channel.


The SYNC command synchronizes all users' status modes with the access they are entitled to in ChanServ for the given channel.

  • Syntax: /msg ChanServ SYNC #channel
    • #channel - the channel you want to synchronize the access list on.
      • NOTE: By default, this command is limited to SOP or level 10 access and above.


The ACCHISTORY command displays the last 30 changes to a channel's access list, with most recent changes listed first.

  • Syntax: /msg ChanServ ACCHISTORY #channel
    • #channel - the channel whose access history you want to view.
      • NOTE: By default, you must be on the access list, or if the xOP system is in use on a channel, you must have VOP or higher, to use this command.

Up / Down

The UP and DOWN commands are used to grant you your highest possible status in a channel or remove all status, respectively.

  • Syntax: /msg ChanServ UP #channel [nickname]
  • Syntax: /msg ChanServ DOWN #channel [nickname]
    • #channel - the channel to apply the command to.
    • [nickname] - OPTIONAL: The nickname to apply the command to. Only channel founders and Services Root Admins can specify this parameter.