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BotServ is the service that maintains custom services' bots for channels. It provides a basic framework for setting up a custom basic bot for users who can't make their own, can't host their own, or just simply prefer the convenience of having a services-controlled bot. BotServ bots will sit indefinitely in their assigned channels even if they are otherwise empty, so they can be used to keep channels open.

By default, the Xertion bot is directly assigned newly registered channels, and will perform ChanServ actions via in-channel commands (like those described below). You can assign a different bot by typing /msg BotServ ASSIGN [#channel] [bot name], where channel is the name of the channel you want to assign the bot to, and bot name is the name of the bot you wish to assign.

To obtain a list of available network bots you can assign with BotServ, simply type /msg BotServ BOTLIST. These bots are available to the entire network for everyone to use.

If you would like to have a custom bot that is not listed, and your channel has at least 15 users in it excluding bots, you can ask us in #help. We will be more than happy to create one for you.

By default, BotServ bots respond to in-channel commands prefixed with a '.' (period). When issuing ChanServ commands in this manner, you do NOT need to specify the channel in most cases, as it is automatically assumed. For example, typing .halfop nickname is the exact equivalent of typing /msg ChanServ halfop #channel nickname (of course assuming you have the access to perform that command).

Channel Status Commands

NOTE: Giving/removing modes with in-channel commands still requires the necessary permission in the channel to use them

  • Voice + (+v)
    • .voice nick
    • .devoice nick
  • Halfop % (+h)
    • .halfop nick
    • .dehalfop nick
  • Op @ (+o)
    • .op nick
    • .deop nick
  • Protected/Admin & (+a) Requires admin access
    • .protect nick
    • .deprotect nick
  • Owner ~ (+q) - Requires founder access
    • .owner nick
    • .deowner nick

Kicking & Banning Commands

To kick a user:

  • .kick nickname|hostmask [reason] - Kicks the user with an optional reason. Only founders may specify a hostmask.

To ban a user:

  • .ban [+expiry] nickname|hostmask [reason] - Bans the user with an optional reason. If +expiry is given, removes the ban after the specified amount of time. It can be expressed as the number of seconds, or using unit specifiers, e.g +10m means 10 minutes, +2h means 2 hours, and so on and so forth. Only founders may ban hostmasks.

Access Commands


Viewing the channel's access list, optionally you can view the access level of a particular nick or list entry only:

  • .access list NICK|NUMBER
  • .axx list NICK|NUMBER

Adding a nick to the access list:

  • .access add NICK LEVEL
  • .axx add NICK LEVEL

Default levels: (3 = voice (+), 4 = halfop (%), 5 = op (@), 10 = protected op/admin (&))

Deleting a nick from the access list:

  • .access del NICK|NUMBER
  • .axx del NICK|NUMBER

Clearing the access list:

  • .access clear
  • .axx clear


Replace the "x" in xop with V (voice), H (halfop), A (op), or S (protected op/admin).

Viewing the channel's access list, optionally you can view the access level of a particular nick or list entry only:

  • .access list NICK|NUMBER
  • .axx list NICK|NUMBER

Adding a nick to the access list:

  • .xop add NICK XOP

Deleting a nick from the access list:

  • .xop del NICK|NUMBER

Clearing the access list:

  • .access clear

Akick Commands

Viewing the channel's akick list, optionally you can view the akick entry of a particular nick or list entry only:

  • .akick list NICK|NUMBER

Viewing the channel's akick list, more detailled than .akick list, optionally you can view the akick entry of a particular nick or list entry only:

  • .akick view NICK|NUMBER

Adding a nick or usermask to the akick list with an optional reason:


Deleting a nick/usermask or list entry from the akick list:


Clearing the channel's akick list:

  • .akick clear

Enforcing an akick on users matching an entry on the akick list who is currently on the channel:

  • .akick enforce

Miscellaneous Commands

Checking when a user was last seen on the channel:

  • .seen NICK

Note: The specified user has to be on the channel's access list.

Viewing information about the channel:

  • .info

Viewing more detailed information about the channel:

  • .info ALL

Note: Requires founder status by default.

If you have a BotServ bot on your channel but these commands still don't work for you, assure that fantasy mode is enabled: /msg BotServ SET #channel FANTASY ON

See Also
