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Maintains the AutoKick list for a channel. If a user on the AutoKick list attempts to join the channel, ChanServ will ban that user from the channel, then kick the user.


AKICK channel ADD {nick | mask} [reason]
The AKICK ADD command adds the given nick or usermask to the AutoKick list. If a reason is given with the command, that reason will be used when the user is kicked; if not, the default reason is "User has been banned from the channel". When akicking a registered nick the NickServ account will be added to the akick list instead of the mask. All users within that nickgroup will then be akicked.
AKICK channel DEL {nick | mask | entry-num | list}
The AKICK DEL command removes the given nick or mask from the AutoKick list. It does not, however, remove any bans placed by an AutoKick; those must be removed manually.
AKICK channel LIST [mask | entry-num | list]
The AKICK LIST command displays the AutoKick list, or optionally only those AutoKick entries which match the given mask.
AKICK channel VIEW [mask | entry-num | list]
The AKICK VIEW command is a more verbose version of the AKICK LIST command.
The AKICK ENFORCE command causes ChanServ to enforce the current AKICK list by removing those users who match an AKICK mask.
The AKICK CLEAR command clears all entries of the akick list.


/msg ChanServ AKICK #myChannel ADD *Fred@* Idiot

/msg ChanServ AKICK #myChannel DEL *Fred@*

/msg ChanServ AKICK #myChannel LIST 1-12

/msg ChanServ AKICK #myChannel ENFORCE

/msg ChanServ AKICK #myChannel CLEAR

See Also

Main Page: ChanServ