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NickServ allows you to "register" a nickname and prevent others from using it. The commands sent to this service allow for registration and maintenance of nicknames.

Remember, you must identify to your nickname each time you connect to Xertion. Nicknames that are not identified for after 60 days will be automatically deleted and will become available for anyone to use.

NOTICE: This service is intended to provide a way for IRC users to ensure their identity on Xertion will not be compromised. It is *NOT* intended to facilitate 'stealing' of nicknames or other malicious actions. Please be aware that any abuse of NickServ in this manner will result in, at the very least, loss of the abused nicknames.


The ACCESS command manages the list of user@host masks allowed to use a nickname. Users matching an address on their access list will be automatically recognized by NickServ as allowed to use their nickname. Note this is NOT a substitute for properly identifying and does not grant you other things like channel accesses, etc.

  • Syntax: /msg NickServ ACCESS [ ADD | DEL | LIST ] mask
    • mask - the user@host mask you want to add to or remove from the access list.


Main article: NickServ:Register

The REGISTER command registers your currently used nickname into the database, ensuring nobody else can use it. Please be aware that nicknames expire if not used within 60 days.

  • Syntax: /msg NickServ REGISTER password e-mail address
    • password - the password you want to use to identify to the nickname. Pick a good but memorable password.
    • e-mail address - a VALID email address. Please double-check and make sure you use a valid, accessible email address here - you will need the confirmation code that is sent to that address to complete your registration.


The CONFIRM command finalizes your NickServ registration, using the confirmation code that is emailed to you when you first used the REGISTER command above.

  • Syntax: /msg NickServ CONFIRM code
    • code - the confirmation code that was emailed to you.


The RESEND command will send you the confirmation code again to your registered email address.

  • Syntax: /msg Nickserv RESEND


The GROUP command groups the nickname you are currently using to another nickname's group, which enables you to share your NickServ settings, MemoServ memos, and channel privileges (among other things) with all of the nicknames in that group.

  • Syntax: /msg NickServ GROUP target password
    • target - the target nickname you wish to join the group of. It must already be registered with NickServ.
    • password - the password of the target nickname.
      • NOTE 1: Nickname groups exist as long as there is at least one nickname belonging to it. This means that you can drop any nickname in the group, and retain all of the group's settings, privileges, etc.
      • NOTE 2: Grouping an existing (registered) nickname to a new registered nickname will cause the loss of all held channel privileges. It is therefore HIGHLY recommended you use this command only with an unregistered nickname, as it will be automatically registered when you use this command.
      • NOTE 2: You can only be in one nickname group at a time - merging groups is not possible.


The IDENTIFY command identifies you to NickServ as the owner of your current nickname.

  • Syntax: /msg NickServ IDENTIFY [account] password
    • account - OPTIONAL, the name of the NickServ account to apply the IDENTIFY command for. If not given, defaults to your current nickname.
    • password - the password you used with the NickServ REGISTER command for the nickname.


The SET command allows you to change various settings related to your NickServ account. You must first identify for your nickname before using this command.

  • Syntax /msg NickServ SET option value
    • option - one of the following values:
      • chanstats - turn on/off stats for your nickname
      • display - set which nickname in your group will be displayed in various places in Services. Give the desired nickname for the value parameter.
      • password - change your nickname password used with the IDENTIFY command. Give the NEW password for the value parameter.
      • language - set which language Services will communicate to you in. This option takes a number for value, corresponding to the language you wish to use. Use 1 for English, 2 for French, 3 for German, 4 for Italian, 5 for Portuguese, 6 for Spanish, 7 for Turkish, 8 for Catalan, 9 for Greek, 10 for Dutch, 11 for Russian, 12 for Hungarian, and 13 for Polish.
      • url - set an optional home page URL for your nickname. This will be visible via NickServ's INFO command. Give the URL for the value parameter.
      • email - change the primary email address associated with your NickServ account. Give the new email address for the value parameter. Be careful when changing this, as it will still need to be a valid email address (for password recovery purposes).
      • greet - set a greet message for your nickname. Give the message you wish to use, for the value parameter. If you have a greet message set and you wish to REMOVE it, don't specify anything for value. NOTE: Greet messages are only displayed on channels that have this option enabled, and you must also have sufficient access on that channel.
      • kill - toggles the automatic protection for your nickname. When active, a user is given a certain amount of time to identify for the nickname before being forced to change. For the value parameter, specify ON for the default 60 seconds, QUICK for 20 seconds, or OFF to disable this protection entirely.
      • secure - turns NickServ security features on or off for your nickname. When ON is specified for value, you must identify for the nickname before you will be allowed to perform any operations on it or obtain any channel access.
      • private - toggles whether or not your nickname will appear in a NickServ LIST command. Use ON or OFF for value.
      • hide - hides certain pieces of information associated with your NickServ nickname from an INFO command. This option takes TWO arguments - the type of info, and whether or not to hide it. You can hide your email address (EMAIL), your last seen user@host mask (USERMASK), your services access status (STATUS), and your last seen quit message (QUIT). Example: To hide your email address from the INFO command, you would type /msg NickServ SET HIDE EMAIL ON.
      • keepmodes - toggles whether or not Services will maintain your usermodes on identify. If ON, Services will attempt to re-set your usermodes the next time you authenticate.
      • message - toggle whether or not Services communicates to you via private messages. If ON, Services will use private messages, otherwise, it'll use notices (the default).
      • autoop - toggle whether or not Services will set any applicable channel access you may have in all channels you join. Set this to OFF to NOT have Services automatically set modes on you in a channel, otherwise, set it to ON.


The DROP command immediately drops your NickServ registration and deletes your nickname from the database.

  • Syntax: /msg NickServ DROP nickname password
    • nickname - the nickname to drop, if not your current nickname.
    • password - the password for the nickname. Required.
      • NOTE 1: You can also use the DROP command to drop a nickname within your group - to do this, pass it as the nickname parameter.
      • NOTE 2: You must identify to your nickname first before you can use the DROP command.


The RECOVER command allows you to regain use of your registered nickname, if someone else is currently using it.

  • Syntax: /msg NickServ RECOVER nickname password
    • nickname - the nickname you wish to recover usage of.
    • password - the nickname's password. Not needed if your current userhost is on the nickname's access list OR you are identified and in the group of the nickname.
      • NOTE 1: This command is *preferred* over the GHOST command when there is an actual, live user currently using your nickname. Please use RECOVER instead, in this situation!
      • NOTE 2: The RECOVER command brings a fake user online with the specified nickname, which forces the other user's nickname to change. NickServ will then hold the nickname for 1 minute; you can release this hold before then by using the RELEASE command (see below).


The RELEASE command instructs NickServ to release any hold it has on your nickname due to automatic kill protection or by use of the RECOVER command (above). NickServ usually holds nicknames for 1 minute; this command releases the hold sooner.

  • Syntax: /msg NickServ RELEASE nickname password
    • nickname - the nickname currently being held by NickServ.
    • password - the password for the nickname. Again, not required if your current user@host is on the nickname's access list OR if you are identified for another nickname in the group.


The GHOST command causes Services to terminate a "ghost" IRC session using your nickname. A "ghost" session is one which is not actually connected, but which the IRC server believes is still online for one reason or another. This command works by issuing a KILL message for the affected nickname to "disconnect" the ghosted session from the network - as such, you should NOT use this command to kill others who are using your nickname and are actually still online - use the RECOVER command for those situations instead!

  • Syntax: /msg NickServ GHOST nickname password
    • nickname - the "ghost" nickname session to terminate.
    • password - the password for the affected nickname.


The INFO command displays various pieces of information about a given registered nickname.

  • Syntax: /msg Nickserv INFO nickname [ALL]
    • nickname - the registered nickname you wish to view information on.
      • NOTE 1: Some pieces of nickname information are hidden from this command, and may not be displayed for every nickname.
      • NOTE 2: If you are identified for the nickname you are getting information for, and you specify the 'ALL' parameter, you will see all the information regardless of whether you have it hidden or not.


The LOGOUT command reverses the effect of the IDENTIFY command, by making you not recognized as the nickname's owner.

  • Syntax: /msg NickServ LOGOUT
    • NOTE: When you use this command, you will not be asked to reidentify yourself.


The STATUS command shows whether or not someone is identified to a given nickname.

  • Syntax: /msg NickServ STATUS [nickname1...nickname16]
    • [nickname1...nickname16] - OPTIONAL: The nickname(s) to check the ownership status of. If no nicknames are given, this command will return your own status.
      • NOTE: This command returns the current ownership status as a number, as follows: 0 = no such user online OR nickname is not registered, 1 = user not recognized as owner, 2 = user recognized as owner via access list ONLY, and finally 3 = user recognized as owner via password/CertFP authentication.


The UPDATE command tells Services to update your current status - it checks for new memos, sets any applicable channel modes, and updates your vhost and userflags.

  • Syntax: /msg Nickserv UPDATE


The AJOIN command allows you to add/remove channels to automatically join when you identify to Services.

  • ADD Syntax: /msg NickServ AJOIN ADD channel [key]
    • channel - the channel to add to your autojoin list - it must already be registered.
    • [key] - if the channel you're adding uses a key, specify it here.
  • DEL Syntax: /msg NickServ AJOIN DEL (channel | entry-num | list)
    • (channel | entry-num | list) - the channel to remove from autojoin, the number of the entry in your autojoin list to remove, or a list of entry numbers to remove.
  • LIST Syntax: /msg NickServ AJOIN LIST [mask | list]
    • [mask | list] - OPTIONAL: A wildcard mask specifying which entries to show. If not specified, shows all entries.
  • CLEAR Syntax: /msg NickServ AJOIN CLEAR


The RESETPASS command is used to reset your nickname's password. For more information on resetting your password, please see this page.


The CERT command manages certificate fingerprints used to identify for your NickServ nickname automatically via the CertFP mechanism. More information on setting this feature up can be found by visting the CertFP page.

  • Syntax: /msg Nickserv CERT (ADD | DEL | LIST) [fingerprint]
    • (ADD | DEL | LIST) - specify ADD to add a fingerprint, DEL to remove a fingerprint, and LIST to show all valid fingerprints for your nickname.
    • [fingerprint] - Remove the specified fingerprint from your nickname. To add a fingerprint, you must connect to the network with the desired SSL certificate first, identify to the nickname, then use the CERTFP ADD command with no arguments. See the CertFP page for information on how to set all this up.
      • NOTE 1: You can only have up to 5 SSL fingerprints for your nickname.
      • NOTE 2: A single SSL certificate fingerprint can only be used for one nickname group on the network.

For further information on these and other commands, please consult /msg NickServ help.