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Quick Info
Matrix op.jpg This user is a
Network Owner.
Matrix op2.jpg
This user plays on Xbox Live, under the username x Kaishiro x. XBXLive.png

This user plays on the PlayStation Network, under the username Kaishirox. PSN.png

This user plays World of Warcraft. WoW.jpg

This user plays Diablo III. Diablo-3.jpg

This user plays DC Universe. DCUO.jpg

This user is a linux supporter. Tux.png

This user is Anti Apple. Anti-apple.jpg

Kaishiro (born December 2, 1988) is a network owner of Xertion, which launched February of 2011.

Making his internet debut at an early age of seven, Kaishiro did not know that he would be destined for great things. He now has two daughters and a decent job.